Artists Choose Artists is the Parrish Art Museum’s triennial exhibition that highlights the dynamic relationships among the multi-generational artist community of Long Island’s East End. Artists Choose Artists is designed to catalyze creative networks and encourage mentorship and conversations between artists at varying stages in their careers.
Seven notable artists of the region will jury the exhibition. Each juror selects two artists based on submissions and subsequent studio visits. The exhibition will comprise the work of the seven jurors and the fourteen artists and may include painting, sculpture, photography, prints, and mixed media.
The 2019 Jurors and Selected Artists are:
Lillian Ball with Scott Bluedorn and Janet Culbertson
Ralph Gibson with Tria Giovan and Thomas Hoepker
Valerie Jaudon with Janet Goleas and Bastienne Schmidt
Jill Moser with Mary Boochever and Dan Welden
Alexis Rockman with Irina Alimanestianu and Ronald Reed
Lucien Smith with Anne Seelbach and Mark William Wilson
Allan Wexler with Margaret Garrett and Priscilla Heine