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Claire Sherman: Petrichor
Other Worldly
Theresa Daddezio: Bloom
Romare Bearden: Paris Blues/Jazz and Other Works
Eric Aho: Wild Meadow
Jacob Lawrence: Builders
Friends of Friends
Who Is There?
Amy Cutler: Limbo
Alexi Worth: Thinking in Threes
Barbara Takenaga: Whatsis
Robert Kushner: Antella Windows and Curtains
Paul Cadmus: The Male Nude
Joyce Kozloff: Collateral Damage
Duane Michals
Magritte + Warhol by Duane Michals
Valerie Jaudon: Parameters
Jane Wilson: Atmospheres
Summer Heat
Jimmy Wright: Emotional Repositories
Yvonne Jacquette: Looking Up/Down/Inside/Out
Yvonne Jacquette: Recent Views
Janet Fish
Darren Waterston: In the Gloaming
Robert Kushner: Then & Now
Come A Little Closer
Mary Frank: What Color Courage?
Eric Aho: Threshold
Theresa Daddezio: Reworlding
Form, Figure, Abstraction
Claire Sherman: Intuor
Carrie Moyer: Morphologies
Duane Michals: Kaleidoscope
David Driskell: Mystery of the Masks
Jane Wilson: Reflected Still Life
Chie Fueki: You & I
Alexi Worth: Nearness
Whitfield Lovell: Le Rouge et Le Noir
Katia Santibañez: Lumens Anima
Charles Burchfield: Doodles & Sketches
Joyce Kozloff: Uncivil Wars
Robert Kushner: I ❤ Matisse
Carrie Moyer: Analog Time
Jacob Lawrence & Gwen Knight: Intersections
Those Who Dare: Group Exhibition
Theresa Daddezio: Altum Corpus
FIVE: Group Exhibition
Alexi Worth: Changing Table
Barbara Takenaga: Shibaraku
Eric Aho: Source
Valerie Jaudon: Prepositions
Darren Waterston: Notes from the Air
Abstract Romare Bearden
Mary Frank: ¿Or Was It Like This?
Charles Burchfield: Solitude
Duane Michals: Mischievous Eye
Robert De Niro, Sr.: Intensity in Paint: Installation of Six Works
Stephen Mueller: Gateless Gate
Robert Kushner: By My Window
Ben Shahn: Register to Vote
Yvonne Jacquette: Daytime New York
George Tooker: Contemplative Gaze: A Selection of Paintings, Drawings, and Prints
The Unusual Suspects: A View of Abstraction
Carrie Moyer: One Night Only
David Driskell: Resonance, Paintings 1965 - 2002
Claire Sherman: New Pangaea
Milton Avery: A Selection of Paintings
Jacob Lawrence: The Life of Toussaint L'Ouverture
Mark Innerst: New Works
THREE: Beverly Acha, Theresa Daddezio, Jim Gaylord
Max Kozloff: The Atmospherics of Interruption
Art Basel Miami Beach 2018
Eric Aho: Guide
Barbara Takenaga: Outset
Line Up
Robert Kushner: Reverie: Dupatta-topia
Katia Santibañez: A Timeless Gaze
Darren Waterston: Ecstatic Landscape
Carrie Moyer: Pagan's Rapture
Ralph Eugene Meatyard: The Family Album of Lucybelle Crater
Michael Stamm: Mediation Inc.
David Driskell: The 1960s and 1970s
Mary Frank Pilgrimage: Photographs and Recent Sculpture
Embodiment: Louis Fratino, Cindy Ji Hye Kim, Danielle Orchard, Michael Stamm
Joyce Kozloff: Girlhood
Janet Fish: Pinwheels and Poppies, Paintings 1980 - 2008
Summer Mysterious
Whitfield Lovell: What's Past is Prologue, Early Works 1987-1998
Dallas Art Fair 2017
Romare Bearden: Bayou Fever and Related Works
The Armory Show 2017
Robert Kushner: Portraits & Perennials
Eric Aho: Inflection Point
Art Basel Miami Beach
Yvonne Jacquette: Paintings 1981-2016
Claire Sherman: West Ridge
Boundless Nature: Real and Imagined
Me, My, Mine: Commanding Subjectivity in Painting
Duane Michals: Sequences & Talking Pictures
Darren Waterston: New Work
Barbara Takenaga: Waiting in the Sky
Carrie Moyer: Sirens
Janet Fish: Glass & Plastic, The Early Years, 1968-1978
Ralph Eugene Meatyard
Eric Aho: Wilderness Studio
Valerie Jaudon: Alignments
Roger Brown: Political Paintings
Charles Burchfield: The Nature of Seeing
Milton Avery: Selected Paintings
Alexi Worth: Green Glass Doors
Joyce Kozloff: Maps + Patterns
Duane Michals: The Portraitist
Whitfield Lovell: Distant Relations, Selections from the Kin Series
Robert Kushner: baroque
Darren Waterston: Split the Lark
Jane Wilson at 90: East Village/East End
No. 2: A Graphite Exhibition
Claire Sherman: Sempervirens
Form Figure Abstraction 1940-1960
Robert De Niro, Sr. Paintings and Drawings, 1948 - 1989
Duane Michals: Empty New York
Mark Innerst
Modern America
Romare Bearden: Insight and Innovation
Valerie Jaudon
Janet Fish: Panoply
Interior Spaces
Yvonne Jacquette: The High Life
Charles Burchfield: American Landscapes
Mary Frank: Elemental Expression: Sculpture 1969-1985 & Recent Work
Eric Aho: Translation
Barbara Takenaga: New Paintings
Isabel Bishop (1902 – 1988): A Selection of Paintings, Drawings, and Prints
Woods, Lovely, Dark, and Deep
Alexi Worth: States
Nearby: Debra Bermingham, Michael Cline, Siobhan McBride, and Dushko Petrovich
Milton Avery
Duane Michals: The Painted Photograph
Walt Kuhn: American Modern
Roger Brown
Robert Kushner: New Paintings / New Collages
Arpita Singh
Hat Trick: Dan Schmidt, Ethan Ryman, Barbara Takenaga
Darren Waterston: Remote Futures
Paved Paradise
Beasts of Revelation
Mark Innerst: Recent Paintings
Five by Five: Tom Burckhardt, Carrie Moyer, Kanishka Raja, Jane South, and Sarah Walker. Curated by Barbara Takenaga
Robert De Niro, Sr.
Charles Burchfield: Landscapes 1916-1962
Janet Fish: Recent Paintings
Five Works from the Collection of Albert Murray
David Driskell, Creative Spirit: Five Decades
Modern America 1917-1944
Jane Wilson:
New Paintings
Barbara Takenaga
Alexi Worth
9/11: Through Young Eyes
Eric Aho: Covert
George Tooker (1920-2011):
Reality Returns as a Dream
Memorial Exhibition
An Intimate Circle
: Paul Cadmus, Jared French, Margaret French,
George Platt Lynes, and George Tooker
Mary Frank
: Transformations
Jacob Lawrence: Builders
Series and Sequences
Never the Same Twice
Robert Kushner: Wildflower Convocation
Romare Bearden: Idea to Realization
Mark Innerst
Joyce Kozloff: Navigational Triangles
Charles Burchfield: Fifty Years as a Painter
Nathan Oliveira
Katherine Bowling
Mark Greenwold: Secret Storm — Paintings 1967 - 1975
Yvonne Jacquette
Jack Levine
Jacob Lawrence
Jane Wilson: Recent Paintings
Eric Aho: Red Winter
Milton Avery
Barbara Takenaga
: Last Blue Wheel
Charles Burchfield: The Architecture of Painting
Janet Fish
Robert Kushner: Silk Road
Alexi Worth: Eye to Eye
Whitfield Lovell: Kith and Kin
Romare Bearden
: City Lights
Roger Brown: The American Landscape
Helen Miranda Wilson
Jacob Lawrence: Moving Forward
Mary Frank: The Near Far
Romare Bearden: A Black Odyssey
Mark Greenwold: A Moment of True Feeling 1997-2007
Joyce Kozloff: Voyages
Charles Burchfield: Ecstatic Light
George Tooker
Robert Kushner: On Location
Janet Fish
Jane Wilson
David Bates
David Driskell: Painting Across the Decade 1996-2006
Alexi Worth: Couples
Charles Burchfield: Paintings 1915 - 1964
Paul Cadmus: Drawings from the 1990s
Claire Sherman: Petrichor
Theresa Daddezio: Bloom
Eric Aho: Wild Meadow
Amy Cutler: Limbo
Barbara Takenaga: Whatsis
Robert Kushner: Antella Windows and Curtains
Valerie Jaudon: Parameters
Alexi Worth: Changing Table
Yvonne Jacquette: Looking Up/Down/Inside/Out, 1962-1976
Whitfield Lovell: Passages
Robert Kushner: Then & Now
Mary Frank: The Observing Heart
What My Body Knows: Terry Tempest Williams | Mary Frank
Eric Aho: Threshold
Theresa Daddezio: Reworlding
Claire Sherman: Intuor
David Driskell: Mystery of the Masks
Jane Wilson: Reflected Still Life
Carrie Moyer
Katia Santibañez: Lumens Anima
Robert Kushner: I Heart Matisse
Carrie Moyer: Analog Time
A Burning Testament: Terry Tempest Williams | Mary Frank
Barbara Takenga: Shibaraku
Eric Aho: Source
Valerie Jaudon: Prepositions
Darren Waterston's Filthy Lucre
Mary Frank: ¿Or Was It Like This?
Illusions of the Photographer: Duane Michals at the Morgan
More Joy: Carrie Moyer
Robert De Niro Sr.: Paintings, Drawings, and Writings: 1942-1993
Robert Kushner: By My Window
Claire Sherman: New Pangaea
Eric Aho: Guide
Barbara Takenaga: Outset
Carrie Moyer: Pagan's Rapture
Duane Michals: Empty New York
Duane Michals: Portraits
Pilgrimage: Photographs by Mary Frank
Romare Bearden: Abstraction
Barbara Takenaga
Joyce Kozloff: Girlhood
Janet Fish: Pinwheels and Poppies, Paintings 1980 - 2008
Robert Kushner: Portraits & Perennials
Eric Aho: Inflection Point
Whitfield Lovell: Kin
Claire Sherman: West Ridge
Barbara Takenaga: Waiting in the Sky
Carrie Moyer: Sirens
Janet Fish: Glass & Plastic, 2016
Eric Aho: Wilderness Studio
Valerie Jaudon: Alignments
Roger Brown: Political Paintings
Charles Burchfield: The Nature of Seeing
Joyce Kozloff: Maps + Patterns
Robert Kushner: baroque
Darren Waterston: Filthy Lucre
Darren Waterston: Split the Lark
ABCDuane: A Duane Michals Primer
Claire Sherman: Sempervirens
Robert De Niro, Sr. Paintings & Drawings 1948-1989
Romare Bearden: Insight & Innovation
Mark Innerst, 2014
Janet Fish: Panoply, 2014
Storyteller: Duane Michals
Yvonne Jacquette: The High Life
Mary Frank: Photographs
Mary Frank: Elemental Expression: Sculpture 1969-1985 & Recent Work
Eric Aho: Translation
Barbara Takenaga: New Paintings, 2013
Carrie Moyer: Pirate Jenny
Alexi Worth: States
A Swarm, A Flock, A Host: A Compendium of Creatures by Mark Doty and Darren Waterston
Duane Michals: The Painted Photograph
Walt Kuhn: American Modern
Robert Kushner: New Paintings / New Collages
Darren Waterston: Remote Futures
Transcending Nature: Paintings by Eric Aho
Mark Innerst: New Paintings
George Tooker: Reality Recurs as a Dream
Robert De Niro Sr.
Janet Fish, 2012
Carrie Moyer: Interstellar
Amy Goldin: Art in a Hairshirt, Art Criticism 1964-1978
Creative Spirit: The Art of David C. Driskell
Jane Wilson: Recent Paintings
Barbara Takenaga: New Paintings, 2011
Eric Aho: Covert
Mary Frank: Transformations
Romare Bearden: Ideas to Realization
Joyce Kozloff: China is Near
Mark Innerst, 2010
Nathan Oliveira: Drawings 1960-2010
Yvonne Jacquette
Charles Burchfield: Fifty Years as a Painter, 2010
Katherine Bowling
Barbara Takenaga
Charles Burchfield: The Architecture of Painting
Jane Wilson
Robert Kushner: Silk Road
Joyce Kozloff: Co+ordinates
Janet Fish, 2009
Eric Aho: Red Winter
Milton Avery
Jane Wilson: Horizons
Roger Brown: The American Landscape
Jacob Lawrence: Moving Forward
Mary Frank: The Near Far: Portraits and Paintings
Joyce Kozloff: Voyages
Charles Burchfield: Ecstatic Light
Jane Wilson
Mark Innerst: Paintings of New York, 2005 - 2007
Janet Fish, 2007
Robert Kushner: On Location
Romare Bearden: A Black Odyssey
Robert Kushner: Wild Gardens
Yvonne Jacquette: Arrivals and Departures
Mary Frank: Paintings and Works on Paper
David Driskell: Painting Across the Decade 1996-2006
David Driskell: Artist and Scholar
Nathan Oliveira
Jack Levine: Jack Levine at 90
Janet Fish, 2005
Charles Burchfield: Paintings 1915-1964
Jane Wilson
Robert Kushner: Opening Doors
Joyce Kozloff: Boys' Art
Mary Frank: Experiences
Milton Avery: Paintings and Works on Paper
Jane Wilson
Aerial Muse: The Art of Yvonne Jacquette
Whitfield Lovell: Embers
Jimmy Wright: Paintings and Pastels
Jane Wilson: Land | Sea | Sky
Robert Kushner: Hot!!
Mary Frank: Encounters
George Tooker
Whitfield Lovell: Portrayals
Joyce Kozloff: Targets
Yvonne Jacquette: Evening: Chicago & New York
Janet Fish, 2000
Mary Frank: The Remembered Present
Whitfield Lovell: Recent Tableaux
Whitfield Lovell: Whispers from the Walls
Milton Avery: Paintings and Works on Paper
Jane Wilson
Mary Frank: Recent Paintings and Pastels
George Tooker
Jack Levine: Commitment and Ambivalence, Paintings and Prints
Jacob Lawrence: Builders
Paul Cadmus: 90 Years of Drawing
Debra Bermingham
Robert Kushner: The Language of Flowers
Janet Fish, 1997
Milton Avery: Paintings and Works on Paper
Jacob Lawrence: Drawings 1945 - 1996
Art Fairs
Bearden on Film: Nelson Breen and Deborah Riley Draper in Conversation
Hyperallergic Podcast: Joyce Kozloff’s Patterns of Resistance
Symposium: Reflecting on the Legacy of David Driskell
Eric Aho at 527 Madison Avenue
In Conversation: Amy Cutler and Alexi Worth
Janet Fish Website Now Live
DC Moore Gallery Announces Representation of Amy Cutler in collaboration with Leslie Tonkonow Artworks + Projects
Afternoon & Book Signing with Duane Michals
Breakfast in the Park with Joyce Kozloff
In Common: Romare Bearden and New Approaches to Art, Race & Economy
Chie Fueki: Generative Reciprocity between Drawing and Painting
Looking at Beckmann: Panel Discussion featuring Mary Frank
DC Moore Gallery Announces Representation of George Woodman
Alexi Worth on Shadow Yaddo Podcast
Work by Robert Kushner on view at Uffizi Galleries
Chie Fueki Awarded 2023 Catherine Doctorow Prize for Contemporary Painting
Yvonne Jacquette (1934 - 2023)
Duane Michals on Talk Art Podcast
Lavar Munroe awarded the 2023 Guggenheim Fellowship in Fine Arts in honor of Robert De Niro, Sr.
Patterns and Power: A Discussion on Craft and Labor in Art
Darren Waterston in conversation with Xavier Salomon
Carrie Moyer in BOMB Magazine
Mary Frank in Conversation with Terry Tempest Williams
Katia Santibañez at 527 Madison Avenue
What Painting Can Do Now: Eric Aho in Conversation with Jared Quinton
Park in Hyattsville, MD, renamed for David C. Driskell
Painting Through Time: A Conversation with Theresa Daddezio, Erika Ranee, and Jen Hitchings
Brooklyn Rail: New Social Environment with Mary Frank
Words on Worlds: Claire Sherman and Rob Colvin in Conversation
Virtual Artist Talk: Eric Aho: Headwater
Are Artworks Contemporary?
Eric Aho: Headwater
Visiting Artist Lecture: Chie Fueki
Painting Table: Catherine Murphy talks with Chie Fueki and Alexi Worth
Cosmic Geometries
Celebration and Book Signing | Carrie Moyer by Rizzoli Electa
Chie Fueki Joins DC Moore Gallery
The Brooklyn Rail: Artcritical: 17 Years of The Review Panel
PBS News Hour: David Driskell
Gestures of Affection: In Memory of Louise Fishman
Barbara Takenaga at White Plains Metro North Train Station
Claire Sherman: Here Now
Robert Kushner: Jardin Sauvage
Artforum: Under The Cover: Joyce Kozloff
Artforum: Pattern Recognition
Painting Connections: Elisabeth Condon in Conversation with Katia Santibañez
Duane Speaks! at the Lowe Museum
Brooklyn Rail: New Social Environment
Shadow // Yaddo Episode 23: Maps and Legends
92Y: Across The MacDowell Dinner Table: Excellence, Aesthetics, and Value
The Artist's Eye: Darren Waterston
Antagonistic Cooperation: Romare Bearden’s New Paris Blues
Virtual Gallery Opening: Mapping a Friendship, Joyce Kozloff and Simonetta Moro
Artist Talk: Jenelle Porter in Conversation with Robert Kushner
Carrie Moyer in Conversation with Malvika Jolly
Artist Talk: Carrie Moyer in Conversation with David Humphrey
Robert De Niro And The John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Announce Collaboration
Artist Talk: Joyce Kozloff in Conversation with Claire Reddleman
Panel Discussion: David Driskell 'Icons of Nature and History'
Curatorial Conversation: Julie McGee and Michael Rooks
Documentary: Black Art: In the Absence of Light
Online Film Screening: Remembering the Artist Robert De Niro, Sr.
A Burning Testament: Terry Tempest Williams | Mary Frank
In Conversation: Alexi Worth and James Hannaham
Artist Talk: Barbara Takenaga in Conversation with Elle Pérez
Joyce Kozloff at 375 Hudson
On Intimacy and Distance: Eric Aho in Conversation with Todd Bradway
Pandemic Garden: A Conversation with Darren Waterston and Mark Doty
From the Studio: Valerie Jaudon
From the Studio: Recollections of Jane Wilson
Filthy Lucre: Whistler's Peacock Room Reimagined
MAM Conversations: Duane Michals
From the Studio: Darren Waterston
Woodstock Byrdcliffe Guild: Mary Frank in Conversation with David Hornung
Carrie Moyer and Sheila Pepe with Yasi Alipour
From the Studio: Joyce Kozloff
Intimate Companions
From the Studio: Duane Michals
From the Studio: Mary Frank
From the Studio: Mark Valenti
Instagram Live: Carrie Moyer in Conversation with Piper Marshall
From the Studio: Katia Santibañez
From the Studio: Mark Innerst
From the Studio: Barbara Takenaga
From the Studio: Alexi Worth
From the Studio: Carrie Moyer
From the Studio: Claire Sherman
From the Studio: Robert Kushner
From the Studio: Eric Aho
David Driskell, Artist and Scholar, Dies at 88
Romare Bearden: Abstraction
Abstract Romare Bearden: In Conversation
Dedication of a Cultural Medallion for Romare Bearden
Romare Bearden: Artist as Activist & Visionary
Artists in Conversation: Mary Frank and David Hornung
Short Films Directed and Hosted by Duane Michals
In Conversation: Carrie Moyer and Sheila Pepe with Jaime DeSimone
Gallery Talk: Illusions of the Photographer: Duane Michals at the Morgan
Robert De Niro Sr.: Paintings, Drawings, and Writings: 1942-1993
Panel Discussion: Abstract Painting: Wrong Questions, Right Answers?
Living Legacy: Artist Conversation
The Collaborative Process: Artist & Printer
Women Making Art in an Unequal (Art) World
The Review Panel
Lecture: Eric Aho: On His Work
Green Series: Claire Sherman on New Pangaea
David Driskell: Susan T. Marx Distinguished Lecturer
Artist's Panel: On the Exhibition "Pattern and Decoration: Ornament as Promise"
David Driskell: Memories of Romare Bearden
Joyce Kozloff: Feminism and My Art
Creative Resistance: When Art Meets Activism
In the Wilderness with Bellini: Darren Waterston in Conversation with Xavier F. Salomon
Duane Michals in Conversation
Romare Bearden and David Driskell in "Soul of a Nation: Art in the Age of Black Power"
Artist Talk: Joyce Kozloff in Conversation with Cynthia Carlson
Aperture Conversations: Duane Michals with Chris Boot
My Vicious Throbbing Heart at Franklin Street Works
Carrie Moyer in 2018 Invitational Exhibition of Visual Arts
From Salome to Redouté: Robert Kushner in conversation with Aliza Edelman
Robert Kushner at 375 Hudson Street / Saatchi & Saatchi Building
The Voyage Out: Michael Frank in Conversation with Joyce Kozloff
Near & Dear, an Exhibition Curated by Carrie Moyer
Duane Michals, "The Pleasures of the Glove" screening at Anthology Film Archives
Close Look: Barbara Takenaga
In Conversation: Barbara Takenaga
Carrie Moyer Talk at Guggenheim Museum
Carrie Moyer in the 2017 Whitney Biennial
Fern Canyon, Paintings by Claire Sherman
David Driskell: Renewal and Reform, Selected Prints
Sunday Salon with David Driskell
Jacob Lawrence: The Migration Series
Special Dance Performance at DC Moore Gallery
DC Moore Gallery Open House
Ralph Eugene Meatyard at The Cincinnati Art Museum
Claire Sherman at 527 Madison Avenue
DC Moore Gallery at The American Art Fair
Carrie Moyer in "The Humanism of Abstraction"
Whitfield Lovell Lecture at the Phillips Collection
Eric Aho Receives Governor's Award for Excellence in the Arts
Vincent Katz in Conversation with Yvonne Jacquette
Feast for the Eyes
Duane Michals Lecture with Curator of Photography, Brian Sholis
Whitfield Lovell: The Kin Series and Related Works
Duane Michals featured as the Keynote Speaker of Atlanta Celebrates Photography 2016 Festival
Barbara Takenaga: Waiting in the Sky II
Eric Aho: An Unfinished Point in a Vast Surrounding
Ralph Eugene Meatyard & Duane Michals: Camera Drama
Romare Bearden
Magic Hour Podcast, Episode 1: Duane Michals
Barbara Takenaga: Nebraska
Peacock Room Remix: Darren Waterston's Filthy Lucre
Special Screening of 12 Short Films by Duane Michals
Sea of Stars: The Oceanic and the Astral in Contemporary Art
Robert Kushner on Artist Panel at the National Academy of Art
Robert O'Meally on Romare Bearden at the Pérez Art Museum
Gallery Talk: Carrie Moyer: Sirens
Eric Aho at the Hood Museum of Art
Joyce Kozloff at the New York Public Library
Alexi Worth on The Review Panel
Duane Michals Film at Three Rivers Film Festival
Robert De Niro, Sr. at UB Art Galleries
Mary Frank at Gallery Kayafas
Janet Fish at Philadelphia Museum of Art
Robert Kushner in "Greater New York"
Jane Wilson at the Parrish Art Museum
Carrie Moyer at the Everson Museum of Art
Mystic North at the Burchfield Penney Art Center
Robert Kushner at MoMA PS1
Robert Kushner at Kansetsu Garden and Museum, Kyoto, Japan
Darren Waterston at The British Library
Whitfield Lovell at Arthur Roger Gallery
Yvonne Jacquette at Lincoln Theater: Talking Art in Maine
Claire Sherman at Kavi Gupta Gallery
The Annual at the National Academy
Whitfield Lovell: Deep River at the Cummer Museum
Whitfield Lovell at the Phillips Collection & Vero Beach Museum of Art
Women, Archives, and Artistic Legacy: The Feminist Collecting Initiative at the Archives of American Art
Artist Talk: Joyce Kozloff & Ann Agee in conversation with Glenn Adamson
Joyce Kozloff & Alexi Worth Gallery Talk
Duane Michals at the Peabody Essex Museum
One-Way Ticket: Jacob Lawrence's Migration Series and Other Works
Gallery Brunch and Gallery Talk with Duane Michals
An Evening with André Gregory & the Fine Art Works Center
Jane Wilson: 1924-2015
Gallery Talk with Robert Kushner
Joyce Kozloff at BRIC Arts Center
Alexi Worth at the New York Public Library
Joyce Kozloff & Roger Brown at the Frances Lehman Loeb Art Center
Duane Michals Artist Talk at the Art Institute of Chicago
Claire Sherman in Conversation with John Zinsser
ABCDuane Book Signing at DC Moore Gallery
Duane Michals at the New York Public Library
Conversations: African and African American Artworks in Dialogue at the Smithsonian
Darren Waterston Gallery Talk & Book Signing
Exalted Nature: The Real and Fantastic World of Charles Burchfield
Romare Bearden: A Black Odyssey at Columbia University
Duane Michals at the Carnegie Museum of Art
Gallery Talk: Inner and Outer Landscapes
The Classical Nude and the Making of Queer History
Duane Michals Speaks at the University of Buffalo
Jacob Lawrence at Cleveland Museum of Art
Kozloff, Takenaga, and Waterston at the Hudson River Museum
Robert Kushner at Yoshiaki Inoue Gallery
Mary Frank at the Asheville Art Museum
Joyce Kozloff at the International Print Center, New York
Roger Brown at Russell Bowman
Visions of Mary Frank at Woodstock Film Festival
Whitfield Lovell: Deep River at the Telfair Museums
DOMESTICITY at Jason McCoy Gallery
National Academy Museum: The Annual 2014: Redefining Tradition
Remembering the Artist: Robert De Niro Sr.
Visions of Mary Frank
Landscape in Contemporary Art: NYPL Arts & Literature Series
Darren Waterston: Uncertain Beauty at MASS MoCA
Real/Surreal at Madison Museum of Contemporary Art
Women Choose Women Again
"Made in the USA" at the Phillips Collection
Charles Burchfield at the Detroit Institute of Arts
Robert De Niro Sr. at Julie Nester Gallery
Robert Kushner at Carl Solway Gallery
Alexi Worth at Zurcher Studio, New York
John Yau in conversation with Mary Frank
Walt Kuhn Opening Reception with a Special Reading of Kuhn's letters
Darren Waterston Lecture at Williams College
Alexi Worth in Conversation with Svetlana Alpers at NYSS
Gallery Talk: Barbara Takenaga, Karen Shepard, and Jim Shepard
American Modern: Hopper to O'Keeffe
Lawrence's 'Aesop's Fables' at Hallie Ford Museum of Art
Isabel Bishop drawing on English banknote
Summer Show Walk-through with Curator John Zinsser
Alexi Worth at Monya Rowe
Kozloff in Jew York at Zach Feuer
Duane Michals in group show
Cadmus, Michals, Tooker at Addison Gallery
Alexi Worth: States on Review Panel
Darren Waterston and Mark Doty at NYPL
Eric Aho: In the Landscape
Whitfield Lovell: Deep River at Hunter Museum of American Art
Duane Michals: The Man Who Invented Himself
Joyce Kozloff at Espace Topographie de l'art
David Driskell: In Search of the Creative Truth
Poem Spill: Art & the Written Word at Kemper Museum
Avery and Burchfield at Somerville Manning
Duane Michals: Gallery Talk and Book Signing
Eric Aho in Landscape Expressed at Danforth Art Museum
Michals in Discussion at AIPAD Photography Show
Darren Waterston and Mark Doty: Gallery Talk and Book Signing
Darren Waterston: A Compendium of Creatures at Legion of Honor, SF
Darren Waterston at the Legion of Honor
Lovell in exhibition at the Corcoran
DC Moore Gallery on Facebook
Kushner and Kozloff works at The Ludwig Forum für Internationale Kunst
Kozloff at Conference at Princeton
Gallery Talk: The Art of Walt Kuhn by Gail Stavitsky
Duane Michals Lecture at Denver Art Museum
Lawrence in Traveling Exhibition
David Driskell in Discussion
Real/Surreal at the McNay
1913 Armory Show in Primary Sources
Lawrence on view at Addison Gallery
Kozloff in Art & Politics at Hewitt Gallery
Roger Brown is Deadly Serious! Gallery Talk
Jacob Lawrence: Toussaint L'Ouverture Series
Romare Bearden Black Odyssey App
American Legends at Whitney Museum
Burchfield, Kozloff and Kushner on NYC-ARTS
A Writers' Celebration of Romare Bearden
Gallery Talk: Robert Kushner, Robert Berlind, and Irving Sandler
The Female Gaze: Women Artists Making Their World
VIDEO: Robert Kushner, Robert Berlind, and Irving Sandler
Roger Brown: This Boy's Own Story
Kushner opening postponed due to hurricane
Watercolors: A Musical Tribute to Charles Burchfield
Yvonne Jacquette lecture at Prince Street Gallery
Burchfield in Hopper exhibition at Grand Palais
Gallery Talk: Darren Waterston and Susan Cross
Panel Discussion: City As Muse
Joyce Kozloff at Kemper Museum
Pattern and Decoration at the National Academy
From Burchfield to Wyeth: American Watercolors from the National Academy
Burchfield Penney Summer Exhibition
Robert Kushner at La Jolla Athenaeum
Gwen Knight in Traveling Exhibition
Mary Frank in Provincetown Views at ACME Fine Art, Boston
Eric Aho at the Currier Museum
Romare Bearden at Newark Museum
Gallery Talk: Mark Innerst and Richard Milazzo
Alexi Worth at New York Studio School
Joyce Kozloff's "Jeez" at the Armory Show Modern
Book Launch — Amy Goldin: Art in A Hairshirt, Art Criticism 1964-1978
Gallery Talk: The Visual Dimension of Albert Murray’s Aesthetics
Forest Eater: Works by Darren Waterston
4 Seasons Seasoned, Robert Kushner (2004)
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