Romare Bearden (American, 1911-88). At Five in the Afternoon, 1946, oil on composition board. Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art, The University of Oklahoma, Norman; Purchase, U.S.State Department Collection, 1948. © 2022 Romare Bearden Foundation / Licensed by VAGA at Artists Rights Society (ARS), NY
Bearden/Picasso: Rhythms and Reverberations examines the impact of Pablo Picasso’s rich artistic practice on Romare Bearden and his work. The exhibition is divided into four sections: Bulls & Bullfights; Music & Rhythm; Doors & Windows; and Line & Color. Each section will feature works by Pablo Picasso and Romare Bearden.
While various aspects of Bearden’s engagement with Picasso and Cubism have been occasionally explored, this is the first museum exhibition organized to explore the parallels between the artists. The works in the exhibition are drawn from the Mint’s deep holdings of Bearden’s art, as well as from both private and museum collections.