An exhibition of prints by David Driskell, Renewal and Form | Selected Recent Prints presents his most recent series. Referencing African and African-American art, Driskell says, “I try to pattern my art with certain aspects of African and African-American iconography…in particular with African textiles, with costumes – especially with the Egungun costume, where the Yoruba dancers wear large costumes with strips of quilted cloth.”
Highly regarded as both an artist, curator, educator and scholar of African-American art, David Driskell primarily works in collage and mixed media, and printmaking. Abstracting the figurative and narrative elements in his work, Driskell reflects on his childhood growing up in North Carolina and the Maine landscape. Having summered in Falmouth since 1961, Driskell was first introduced to the state while attending the Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture in 1953.